Kansas is home to a lot of fun museums, and it has been a while since we featured one on the podcast. So, today, we are going to learn about the Motorcycle Museum in St Francis.
For those of you with an Uncovering Kansas Travel Journal, you’ll find it on page 188. And you can follow along across Highway 36, documenting the things you see, people you meet, and places you love to eat and stay though page 194. If you haven’t been to northwest Kansas, I encourage you to plan some time to go explore. As Scott says, each of the towns along highway 36 has something interesting to see. I’ve got a favorite memory from our overnight stay in Oberlin Kansas. We got into town around dinnertime, and as is our MO, we asked the locals for recommendations of places to eat. Someone recommended the American Legion because they had a great happy hour special. Neither of us are veterans, so we assumed we couldn’t eat there. Turns out, you don’t have to be a veteran to partake. I’m not sure if this is true of all American Legions, or something the locals decide. Anyway, we walk in, and as you would expect in a small town, the moment we stepped inside, everyone knew we were strangers – or should I say visitors – to town. And, in case you are wondering – they did have great happy hour specials! St. Francis Motorcycle Museum website What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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What would it be like to integrate the arts into a thriving and sustainable rural community? This is the question that drove my guest today to create the School for Rural Culture and Creativity in Mattfield Green.
I’m talking with Matthew Regier, an artist, homesteader, and co-founder of the School. Our conversation is wide ranging – talking art, religion, rural culture, homesteading, and how all of these things come together in rural communities. One of my favorite things to do is talk to someone who has a very different life experience than mine. I learn so much from these conversations. It is always valuable to see the world through someone else’s eyes and by doing that you also learn something about the filter through which how you see the world. In a lot of ways, Matthew and I couldn’t be any more different from each other, and I really appreciated our conversation because it took me far outside of the filter through which I live day-to-day and gave me a lot to think about. Show Notes: The School for Rural Culture and Creativity Matthew Regier – Matthew’s website Land Institute How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us onInstagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode
Kansas is full of very interesting people and my guest today is probably at the top of the list. I’m talking with Vincent Rodiguez, a coffee roaster, chocolate maker, and bicycle manufacture based in Lenexa. I’m taking you to coffee and chocolate school with Vincent.
One of the things I took away from my conversation with Vincent is that when we are curious and want to learn about something, it can take us to interesting places. We shouldn’t worry about being the best at something – we should only worry about whether or not we are learning something. Vincent’s life philosophy is an inspiration to me, and I hope you feel the same. Show Notes: Maps Coffee and Chocolate website Maps Instagram Maps Facebook Kansas Breweries and Distilleries episode Kansas wineries episode Unbound Gravel episode What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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Today, I’m talking with Joseph Shephard from Lead for America, a national organization founded by a Kansan and headquartered in Wichita. Lead for America’s tag line is Start Where You Live – and of course I have to learn more about any organization that is trying to keep Kansans in Kansas.
I thought this episode was going to be about Lead for America, but it is just as much about highlighting a young Kansan who is out there every day doing work that makes a difference for Kansas and our nation. Kansas is lucky to call my guest a Kansan. Although he wasn’t born here, he has fully embraced us and is making a difference in our state. If you leave this episode without being inspired, I’ll be very surprised. Joseph’s story is one of overcoming challenges and odds, being supported by a community, and taking all of this and turning into the best possible version of himself. Sit back and be ready to learn a ton from my guest today. Show Notes: Lead for America website Director of National Service – Scott McFarland Director of Recruitment – Meghan Carver Dodge City episode How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us onInstagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode
You may have noticed that this month’s episode is a little shorter than normal. That’s because it didn’t start out as an episode. The Kansas Turnpike Authority contacted us about doing a public service announcement about a change they are making in July. They want to get the word out and thought our podcast would be a good avenue for that.
So, the plan was to record the PSA and then include it in the introduction of a couple of episodes. But, at the end of the conversation I had with Steve Hewitt, the CEO of the KTA, I thought it was such an interesting conversation that it should be its own episode. And, so here we are. This month, you are going to learn about the upcoming change to our turnpike system – we are going cashless in Kansas – but you’ll also get a bit of the behind the scenes of how the turnpike system works. Show Notes: Kansas Turnpike website Cashless Tolling website BoredRoom Blues (song by Geoff) What You’ll Learn in this Episode
How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us onInstagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 2/24/2024 Episode 0702: Flagship Kansas Tech
In today’s episode, I’m talking with Conner Hampton, Executive Director of Flagship Kansas Tech, an organization who’s mission is to propel the tech sector within the state through continuous efforts in awareness, education, and the workforce.
Show Notes: Flagship Kansas website Ad Astra Summit website Episode: Goodland Tech Dare to do Dirt - podcast with Rolf Potts and Marci Penner What You’ll Learn in this Episode
1/21/2024 Episode 0701: Kansas Wine Industry
In my day job, I’ve been working in the software industry for going on 10 years, and so when I hear business incubator, my mind immediately pictures a room full of developers in hoodies with headphones on typing away in the dark at a computer.
But today, you and I are going to learn about a different type of business incubator in Kansas - a business incubator for wineries. We also talk with a couple who have recently started their own vineyard and are working with the incubator to launch their first wines. You are going to learn a lot about the Kansas Wine industry in this episode! Show Notes: 456 Winery Valley Trails Winery Facebook Page Highland Community College Viticulture and Enology program What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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We’ve interviewed several authors over the years on Uncovering Kansas. And, through that process I met my guests today, Tracy Million Simmons owner and publisher of Meadowlark books and Cheryl Unruh (un roo) a well known, prolific writer who is also the editor of the 105 Meadowlark Reader, a Kansas Journal of Creative Nonfiction.
When I first heard about Meadowlark Books, I was excited to hear that we have a publisher in Kansas focused on Kansas authors. As you know, my goal is to help Kansans learn more about our state, a great way to do that is to read books published by Kansas authors. I’ve got to wrap up this introduction and get on with the show so that I can start working on my next submission for the 105 project….. Show Notes: Meadowlark Press website 105 Meadowlark Reader website Kansas Authors Club Cheryl Unruh’s website Book by Al Ortolani (mentioned by Traci - set in southeast Kansas) The Adventures of Bottle Calf by Ann Vigola Anderson Episode with Ann Vigola Anderson Kansas Library System episode Kansas Book Festival Episode What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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You can listen to Geoffrey's song "Bored Room (aka Boardroom) Blues" that launches each episode of the Uncovering Kansas podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, or YouTube.
In this episode, I’m going to take you behind the scenes to see what it is like to be responsible for the travel and tourism bureau for a city in Kansas. My guest is Julie Roller Weeks, the Director of Abilene Convention and Visitor's Bureau.
Show Notes: Vist Abeline website Big Kansas Road Trip episode Marci Penner episode Courtland Kansas episode Green Guitar Folk House Episode What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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One of the things we like to highlight on the podcast is events that bring in people from outside of Kansas. Whether drawing from other states across the US or pulling in people from other countries, these events are not only good for the Kansas economy, they are a chance for us to show off our state, teach people about who we are as Kansans, and hopefully do a little bit of stereotype busting. We’ve highlighted a lot of these events over the years:
Show Notes:
Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 3/25/2023 Episode 0603: Unbound Gravel
If you are a cyclist, you already know what Unbound Gravel is. If not, today, I’m going to take you into the world of cyclists and how Emporia Kansas has created an event that draws people from 45 different countries.
I love to highlight how Kansans make their visions come true. Today’s episode is a great example of a small group of people who came together around their passion for cycling in the flint hills. Fast forward 17 years, and now Unbound Gravel brings in 4,000 riders the weekend after Labor Day. My guests today are Ben Sachs is the Race Director and Kristi Mohn is the Marketing Manager. You’ll hear how Kristi has been involved with the event from the beginning and Ben since early on and it is a great conversation to understand how the event got started, and what it has become today. I was really interested to hear what it takes to plan the event, and especially the routes for the races. The other thing that was so interesting to me is how the towns along the way participate. As Ben says - hope to see you at the Finish Line! Show Notes: Unbound Gravel website Dynamic Discs Episode Volunteer with Unbound Gravel Get to Know a Kansan What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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Setting Kansas up to succeed in the future means diversifying into industries that have not traditionally been associated with our state.
In today’s episode, you are going to learn about a Goodland company that is doing just that. I like to highlight Kansas companies that are having an impact outside of Kansas. Today’s guest is not only doing that, but they are also working to change some of the fundamental issues that we are currently facing in Kansas. We are losing people to other states because of jobs. We are unable to fill all of the jobs we have in Kansas because of lack of the correct skills. We are in the process of transitioning into a state with a vibrant technology industry. GoodlandTech is a Kansas company that is addressing all of these huge challenges at once with their business model. My guest today is Ben Coumerilh, one of the founders of Goodland Tech. I met Ben at the Ad Astra Technology conference back in September in Wichita and was grateful that he agreed to be a guest. I always enjoy my conversations with our guests, but this one is really close to my heart because we talk about a topic I’m passionate about. I hope you enjoy it as well. Show Notes: Goodland Tech website Northwest Kansas Economic Innovation Center website Northwest Kansas Technical College Building a Bookshelf website Contact Geoff here Green Guitar Episode What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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We are going to time travel in today’s episode. My guest, Ann Anderson is the author of Posts of a Mid-Century Kid, a memoir about 1950s and 60s Kansas.
Today’s episode is as much about our ability to be present and appreciate what we have - in all aspects of life - as it is an episode about Kansas. There are so many quotes from Ann in this episode that I would love to pull out and put on a t-shirt. I am certain that one of them will make an impression on you - leave you with goosebumps. Show Notes Ann’s Website Ann’s Facebook Page Posts of a Mid-Centry Kid - link to Bookshop.org where you can buy the book and support a Kansas bookshop at the same time Topeka Kansas Lake Shawnee What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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We are trying to help the Kansas Office of Broadband get the word out about the Federal Communications Commission broadband funding deadline that is January 13 2023. It requires that you take action by the 13th to help ensure that Kansas get the appropriate allocation of Federal funding to invest in high-speed internet.
The funding will be based on a map that determines what portion of each state has access to broadband. The issue is that the map is not always accurate. What the Kansas Broadband Office is asking all Kansans to do is to make sure you are accurately represented on the map. So - here is what you need to do:
If you find that either of these things is wrong on the map, you’ll want to click on the link for “Location Challenge” or ‘Availability Challenge” depending on what the issue is. I wasn’t sure if I needed to do this because I’m not located in a rural area and I have broadband coverage in my home, Megan assured me that it is important that we all verify that the map is correct. The other way you can help is to get the word out. Please tell your family, friends and neighbors About this and ask them to take action. And, if you have older relatives who that may not feel comfortable using site you can help complete this challenge. Again, the deadline for making challenges to the map is January 12th 2023 so time is of the essence here. Let me tell you the important websites again: https://www.kansascommerce.gov/program/challenge/ Broadbandmap.fcc.gov
We’ve reached the last episode of the year, and today I’m talking with Branden Dross, the City Manager for the city of Herington Kansas. I have been interested for a while in better understanding what the role of a city manager is, and so I took the opportunity to learn more for myself while sharing what I learn with you. That is the best part of having a podcast. When I want to know more about something, I can do that, record it, and share it with you.
So, I hope you walk away from this episode with a better understanding about what a city manager is, what its like to run a city, and more about Herington Kansas, a small town on Hwy 56 west of Council Grove and Hwy 77 south of Junction City. Show Notes Herington Kansas Dodge City Distillery episode Bookshop.org What You’ll Learn in this Episode
How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 11/26/2022 0511: Robot Art with Joe Summers
My guest today, Joe Summers describes Guerilla Art like this - you make a thing and put it out into the world for people to find.
Joe works with his students and children to create robot sculptures that they then take to different locations around the state and leave behind for someone to find. This episode is about Joe and his robot art program, but it turns out to be a travel episode as well because Joe covers so many Kansas towns and sites as part of his program. Rules for leaving robot art in the world:
Get to Know a Kansan
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Today I’m joined by Shelley O’Brien and Mary Boller, two Kansans working in the State’s library system. Reading is my primary hobby - I’m currently sitting at 76 books read so far in 2022 - so as you can imagine, this episode is going to be one I remember for a long time.
What I’m hoping you take away from today’s episode is what my guest, Mary Boller says - that libraries have become the hub of the community. If you still think that libraries are just about books, you need to get out to your local branch and see what has changed. Supporting our local Kansas libraries is a great way to support our local communities. So, I’m hoping you find out something you didn’t know, and that we maybe spark something new for you today. Show Notes Northwest Kansas Library System Northeast Kansas Library System 7 regional library systems Golf Course Superintendents Association Talking books program Lawrence Library recording studio STEAM Punk Makerspace Lab Dane G Hansen Foundation Which libraries you can get a state park pass Prairie Dog State Park The School for Rural Culture and Creativity Episode 0407: Kansas Book Festival and Author Tim Bascom Episode 0306: Kelly Yarbrough Artist What You’ll Learn in this Episode
How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 9/25/2022 Episode 0509: Kansas Meet World
Have you ever dreamed of just taking off and traveling the world? That’s exactly what my guests did.
1 year, 24 countries, 4 continents…. Their Instagram account says it all: Kansas Meet World. I can’t wait for you to meet this Kansas family and learn about their gap year. This trip was about so many things - seeing the world, learning how to support locals, experiencing other religions, figuring out what you can and can’t live with, and how important it is to live your life connected to those who are most important to you.. It happens to me very often that I’m someplace outside of Kansas and I run into Kansans. For the Lewison family, it happened in places like Zanzibar. We may be a fairly small population, but we show up in a lot of exotic places! What I ultimately take away from my conversation with the Lewisons is that it is important to explore the world AND our home in Kansas. Kansas Meet World Instagram What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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From 0 murals to 25 murals in 2 years seems like an impossible task, but that is exactly what they’ve done in Clay Center Kansas. Today I’m talking with Brett Hubka who has been spearheading the effort.
I’m no art expert, but I feel like I’ve noticed a resurgence of murals in towns across the country and it is a welcome trend. Coming into a new town, looking at the murals on the downtown buildings gives you a sense of the history of the town, the things that are important, and an overall sense of what the town is like. Over the years, we’ve interviewed or highlighted artists across the state, and it is really a testament to the people of Kansas that we have such a rich art tradition in our state. So, this episode is about art, and about how a town can come together to accomplish something amazing in as little as 2 years. It is also about how much pride Kansans have in our state and how much life is being lived in our smaller rural communities. Show Notes Mural Movement Facebook Page Mural Movement Instagram - Mural Movement Clay Center Mural Interactive Map Clay Center Kansas 15-24 Brewhouse website Tasty Pastry Bakery - they don’t have a website Little Mill Creek Trail Sept 2018 Get to Know a Kansan Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty Festival Gypsum Hills Episode 0108: Big Kansas Road Trip Bill Snyder Stadium Dwight D Eisenhower Museum Kansas Speedway Learn a little more about Dwight D Eisenhower in this episode: Kansans Favorite Kansans What You’ll Learn in this Episode
How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 7/23/2022 Episode 0507: Sycamore Springs
Today’s episode came from a trip we made to Sabetha Kansas to have lunch at the Brick Street Furniture Company and Wine Lounge. Friend of the podcast, Kate Miller from Hiawatha recommended that we eat there. And, now I’m recommending it to you too. While we were at Brick Street, Dustin recommended to us that we take a trip 5 miles north of Sabetha to Sycamore Springs. He mentioned that they were revitalizing the skating rink and we should stop in and see it. We thought - sure - let’s check this place out. You don’t hear about skating rinks much anymore.
So, we thought we were heading to a small little town with a skating rink. What we found was something we could have never imagined. You’ll learn more about it in this episode, where I interview Kent Grimm. As I say at the end of the interview - I set out to tell our listeners about this really cool place that Geoff and I found on a somewhat spare of the moment trip. But, what this episode is really about is someone who has taken on the challenge of saving a piece of history and modernizing it so that it can continue to be relevant into our future. Sycamore Springs White Tails Ranch website What You’ll Learn in this Episode
How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 6/25/2022 0506: Kansan's Favorite Kansans
We have been doing our format of Get To Know a Kansan for a while now, and thought it would be fun to focus an episode on the stories behind the people that have been named when we ask ‘who is your favorite Kansan from history?”
So, in this episode, I’m going to talk about the accomplishments of Amelia Earhart, John Stuart Curry, Dwight D Eisenhower, and William Stafford. Listen to the episode about Gordon Parks Watch the documentary about William Stafford What You’ll Learn in this Episode
How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 5/27/2022 0505: Opera in the Flint Hills
Cottonwood Falls is a small town - population about 800 - a nationally and internationally known town for its music. The well known Symphony in the Flint Hills is based in Cottonwood Falls and so is the Opera Workshop in the Flint Hills. When you think of Kansas, opera probably isn’t in the top 10 - or even 100 - things that come to mind.
But, thanks to my guest, Martha Sharp, people come from across the country, and even from other countries, each July to attend the Opera Workshop in the Flint Hills. In our conversation, you’ll learn about the workshop, how it is tailored to the attendees, and maybe a little bit about opera along the way. We also talk about Martha’s career in Europe and her move to Kansas, which is a really interesting story as well. Opera Workshop in the Flint Hills website Episode 0110: Chase County Christmas Episode 0503: Dynamic Discs Episode 0212: Publishing in Kansas: Emanuel Haldeman-Julius Chief Theatre in Coldwater Kansas Granada Theatre in Emporia Folly Theater in Kansas City Lyric Opera in Kansas City Disc Golf World Championship website Girard History Museum What You’ll Learn in this Episode
How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 4/23/2022 Episode 0504: Monarch Watch
Monarch Watch is an internationally reaching education, conservation, and research organization dedicated to the monarch butterfly, its habitat, and its spectacular fall migration based right here in Kansas. Join Rachel in this episode where co-founder Chip Taylor takes Rachel to butterfly school.
Monarch Watch website Monarch Watch Facebook page Kansas Eco Regions What You’ll Learn in this Episode
How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 3/26/2022 Episode 0503: Dynamic Discs
Did you know that Emporia Kansas is considered to be the disc golf capital of the world? I didn’t realize it until I talked with my guests Doug Bjerkaas and Jackie Morris from Dynamic Discs, an Emporia Kansas business that sells discs and other disc golf equipment and operates events for the popular sport disc golf.
I like to focus a few episodes each season on Kansas businesses that have a national impact. Kansas has a deep history of businesses that grow beyond the state and, in a lot of cases, become a household name. Ever heard of Garmin? What about White Castle? These are just 2 businesses founded in Kansas that fall into the household name category. Dynamic Discs falls into this category. If you know about disc golf, then you know about Dynamic Discs - it is a household name within the sport. I didn’t realize that until earlier this year when something quite unexpected happened to me at my day job - you’ll hear more about it in the episode. This episode made me feel so good about the things we have going on in Kansas. The story about how Dynamic Discs grew from a dorm room start-up to an internationally known business is such an interesting story and then you throw in the community support that Dynamic Discs gives to Emporia and the community support that Emporia gives to Dynamic Discs. It’s just a great all-round story and I’m sure you will enjoy this episode. And, if you do, please tell your friends about it. It is the best way you can support the podcast. Also, you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram. And if you are a LinkedIn user, I’d love to connect with you there. You can find me at Rachel Berbiglia and just mention that you are a listener so I don’t ignore your connection request as spam. Show Notes Dynamic Discs website Halfway to Everywhere music festival What You’ll Learn in this Episode
How to Support the Podcast: Tell a friend about us Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Buy a Kansas Travel Journal Send us a recommendation for an episode 2/20/2022 0502: Make Your Own Adventure in Kansas
My guest today, Wichita native Jennifer Strong McConachie, has traveled around the world competing in global endurance sports. Today, we are going to talk about how she uses the Kansas outdoor landscape and weather to prepare for these competitions around the world.
Whether you are sporty or not, you’ll get a lot of ideas from Jennifer for adventures you can take in Kansas. Unless you are already into adventure sports, you are going to walk away from this episode with a whole new viewpoint on our state. Links to things we talked about: Go Far: How Endurance Sports Win at Life book website Jennifer’s Instagram Jennifer’s Facebook Lexington State Park Trail Map El Dorado Lake Cheney Lake TallGrass Prairie Nature Preserve TallGrass Prairie Trail Map (Geoff and I took the Scenic Overlook Trail to the Prairie Fire Loop to the Davis Trail) Get To Know A Kansan: Wichita Kansas Toronto Lake Kayaking the Kansas River Laura Ingalls Wilder What You’ll Learn in this Episode
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